
Notes on the Epistle to the Philippians is unavailable, but you can change that!

Philippians has to do with our state rather than our standing, with responsibility rather than privilege, with communion rather than union. In other words, this epistle is suited to our wilderness journey, written to guide our feet while going through the world. Paul’s letter to the Philippians is rooted in his pastoral concern and his desire to orient this concern around the person of Jesus....

Him, true praise and adoration ascend to the Father. Third: “We glory in Christ Jesus.” Our boast is in the Lord. We are, ourselves, utterly unprofitable, having nothing about us to commend us to Him who, in grace, has saved us. All our boast is in His loving-kindness and His mighty power exercised in mercy on our behalf. Lastly he adds: “We have no confidence in the flesh.” The flesh of the believer is no more to be trusted than the flesh of the vilest sinner. Regeneration is not a changing of flesh
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